Contact JR Magazine

This is the official contact page of JR Magazine. This page is for any form of contact. If we happened to have made a mistake in one of our articles, just leave us a message here and we will gladly respond in a timely manner. For those who want to submit news to us, just email us an article and leave us a name.

If there is anyone interested in subscribing to the print version of JR, leave us an email at If there is anyone interested in purchasing ad space in the print or online version of JR, contact us at

To subscribe to the print version of JR Magazine, click on the link to the right, leaving “Subscribe to JR Magazine” in the subject box. Contact us

The official email address of JR Magazine is So, anyone that wants to contact us at JR for anything, just reach out. Someone from the magazine will get back to you in a timely manner.

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