JR Magazine is Moving

February 19, 2010 at 6:53 pm Leave a comment

All good things come to an end, with that said; JR will no longer be making posts with WordPress.com. Just so everyone understands, JR did not shut down. There was a slight dispute between the executives that own the magazine and we decided that it was best to place the entire operation on hiatus. However, almost a month ago, the decision was made to revive the website.

While the dispute between the management of JR was easily solved, a minor dispute between the parent company, TBT Entertainment Group and WordPress.com has brought about an end to the long partnership that they have enjoyed. Because of this dispute, JR Magazine will no longer operate as a WordPress.com website. This is truly painful to say, but both JR and TBT will remain on great terms with WordPress.com because without their support, JR would have never come to be.

It is just the fact that the time came for TBT Entertainment Group to search for better options and we happened to find better options elsewhere. Not only will JR Magazine be back up and running before the end of today, but we will be doing so with a rebranding of the publication. No longer will the site be called JR Magazine, but it has been renamed to JR, The Black Entertainment Guide, which is shortened to JR for reference purposes.

Once again, the JR and TBT Entertainment Group would like to apologize for the sudden break of posts with JR. We will be back before you all know it, just not with WordPress.com. This move was not anything personal because we will link back to this site as much as we have to, at times. But, this move is one that had to be made.

JR, The Black Entertainment Guide.

Entry filed under: Uncategorized.

Gabrielle Union and Dwyane Wade are Together, but not Official

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