Tyra Banks plans to end “The Tyra Banks Show”

December 29, 2009 at 12:59 am Leave a comment

It was expected of Tyra Banks to truly become the next Oprah Winfrey after she announced that she was not going to renew her talk show after its 2011 renewal date. For the past few years, Tyra Banks has been a distant second to Oprah in the female talk audience. With Oprah out of the way, some felt that Banks could overtake her.

Some saw the Oprah announcement as one that was bound to happen, but people in some circles were trying to make her the next Oprah. She has been following the same trends as Winfrey, perhaps a little bit too much, though. It was expected some twenty years down the road from Tyra Banks to be ending her talk show. As fate will have it, her show will end its run before “The Oprah Winfrey Show.”

For the past five years, Tyra Banks has been the star of “The Tyra Banks Show.” The series quickly built an audience because of the new style that Banks came with and those who grew bored with Oprah began watching her show. Tyra Banks has enjoyed doing the talk show for the past five years, but she feels that it time for her to move on.

In moving on, Banks has decided that she should end her television series in order to pursue a career in Hollywood. She has plans of starring in and producing films in the near future. Taping episodes of “The Tyra Banks Show” would slow that process down, quite a bit.

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